For a fair skin color, you can adjust contrast, exposure, and white-balance to look good.

You can add text in real time and change font, color and position. This free webcam software supports recording from two webcams, so that you can use one for close-ups, and another for a wider view. Logitech Capture allows you to capture yourself, the desktop or any program window. No matter you are looking for real-time effects or channel logo layover during webcam broadcasting, dual recording of webcam and screens, or virtual camera controls, you will find one of the following tools ready for your specific case. In this post, we round up 10 best webcam software for different situations. Additional tools such as text layovers, annotations, and customized profiles for quick switch would be nice. Robust webcam software should allow you to capture high quality content, apply effects and filters in case you have bad lightning or a tired face. Are you a big fan of video streaming on YouTube, Twitch and Facebook? Or perhaps you are shifting to online remote work during this special period, and are in searching for webcam applications that can capture yourself and desktop screens simultaneously.